Saying Pictures
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All the memories come back but he never does
All the memories come back but he never does saying quotes
Feelings don't walk away people do
Feelings don't walk away people do saying quotes
Smile today cry tomorrow read this everyday
Smile today cry tomorrow read this everyday read this everyday saying quotes
asaoh you are a princess but i am queen bitch
oh you are a princess but i am queen bitch saying quotes
Nothing is really lost until your mom cant find it
Nothing is really lost until your mom cant find it saying quotes
Stop thinking about him because he is not thinking about you
Stop thinking about him because he is not thinking about you saying quotes
I am great in bed i can sleep for days
I am great in bed i can sleep for days saying quotes
Remember that you never ever have to put up
Remember that you never ever have to put up with anyone's bull shit saying quotes
Telling the truth and making someone cry
Telling the truth and making someone cry is better than telling a lie and making someone smile saying quotes
So i guess i have learned to live without you
So i guess i have learned to live without you but i just don't know how to love without you saying quotes
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